- Seitai – cvp | life-health culture in human nature - https://seitai-cvp.com -




The main objective of the cultural activity of seitai is to attend to our own spontaneous movement (which gave birth to us, raised, and keeps us alive) and to cultivate the observation, comprehension of and respect for its manifestation:

The following essential questions and answers arose from the seitai experience:

What is the faculty that holds the natural interrelation among the different motor, biological, and psychic energetic activities in the living being?
The spontaneous movement. We call this capacity osei. It involves the vertical, frontal, lateral, rotary, and central oseis + and – . They are the basic forms of life manifestation.

What is the structure through which the osei establishes this interrelation in the living being?

The osei framework. This framework shows us how the five oseis organize their absolute interdependency in the CVP (cranium, vertebrae, pelvis). The CVP is the structure that governs the life of the organism.

What special quality is manifested by the osei in the human being?
The spontaneous conscious that arises from the human CVP in natural association with the non-conscious (most of the autonomous cellular associations). The organic origin of the spontaneous conscious is the energetic conversion and the f-e cranial balance. Both endow our psychic activities with special intensity and quality.

What is the specific expression of the osei in every individual?
The taiheki. The osei is manifested in each one of us in an original and unique way through the inherited predominance of some oseis.

How can we restore the strength of the unity among the motor, biological, and psychic activities of the osei? And the flexibility of the natural association between conscious and non-conscious?
Through the katsugen undo, yuki, and gyoki.
No previous knowledge or specific technics are required for this simple practice which enables us to:

These answers have bestowed us with something that has no precedent in culture:

These answers were given by Haruchika Noguchi who founded the seitai culture.